2019 has arrived and there’s a few changes to embrace at Mrs H.
Firstly there’s the lovely, shiny new website and shop.... the team at gfivedeigns have been working on this with me since October and I’m so, so happy with it..... I totally love it!
The reason I’ve stepped away from Etsy as my main selling platform is during the summer they upped their commission by quite a hefty amount and I most definitely ‘felt it’ financially. However, It pushed me into realising I actually had a great little business and no longer a full time hobby, so I needed to start making some ‘grown up’ business decisions! (I’m 40 in a few weeks and really don’t feel very grown up at all).
So we planned and built a new studio ... just for me and my babes.... (and the lovely Tasha that helps me, and most definitely keeps me sane during busy weeks)!
The old log cabin in the garden was taken down and the super duper new ‘insulated’ studio went up in its place.... and we moved in, just in time for the Christmas chaos!
I had really hoped to be using the new selling platform in time for the Christmas rush, but I just didn’t have the time to keep making all the orders, ‘tweak’ the website and more importantly, learn how to use it...and I desperately didn’t want to muddle through using both and bodge up any Christmas deliveries..... so I spent over £1600 on selling fees to Etsy.
Which got me thinking..... moving over to the new site will of course save/ make me more money..... and then I thought, I’ve managed to pay the bills (just about, and I do actually still have a broken dishwasher from October but hay-ho, we survived Christmas) .... so do I really need this extra money?
No, not really, is the answer.
I’ve witnessed some utter heartbreak this last year, old friends and new and all I want to do is help, but bar bumble some heartfelt words together or send some flowers, I haven’t really known what I can do..... until now.
My grown up business head and soft heart have decided that the savings I’ll make moving to the new site will be split between three charities.
Mind, shelter and hospice. All three have played big parts in the lives of people close to me ..... and we never know when we might need to call upon their help.
I’d like to think that as Mrs H grows, I’ll be able to add to this list and help more. I have a very lovely life, and really there’s nothing I ‘need’ ..... don’t get me wrong, I’d love a bit more holiday time, new carpet and sofas... and a dishwasher..... but I don’t need them. I have a beautiful home and a happy family (and a good supply of gin thanks to Christmas)!
So I’d like to thank you all in advance for your kind donation..... as any purchase you make with Mrs H will now also contribute towards these charities ♥️
Holy crap.... I wrote a ‘blog’ (I think) ... I may have shed a tear or two thinking of some of the people that have struggled this year.... but now I’m pressing play on the sonos and having one last mince pie then heading into 2019 feeling hopeful ....
Mrs H
Good morning I have just received my order, what can I say but wow wow wow it is gorgeous. Thank you so much x
This is lovely💕I will be purchasing from you in the near future 🍃good luck 😊
Oh Tara! Your blog has left me in tears! As we plod through our day to day lives every now and then we come across a really special person. You’re one of life’s angels. Disguised in a tutu and a few splats paint maybe, living in a shed at the bottom of a garden, but you really are such a kind and special person. I can’t think of anyone more deserving of such success. I really believe we get back what we give in Life. Your life will be forever full of love and kindness. ( and ducks! ) You’re a true inspiration and your energy makes us all want to be better people! Wishing you all the love and luck in the world on this new adventure. Much love. L. Xxx